
What we practice...
While we have included select information here on our website, please know that a full DWHS Handbook will be provided upon registration (or request) that includes detailed policy information outlining commitment, expectations, etiquette, dress code, competition team information, social media policy, and more.
Our season runs from September to May
Manchester: 35 Weeks
Adrian: 35 Weeks
Summer School and Dance Camp options are available; please contact the studio for details.
Dress Code
Each class carries its own specific dress code (shoes, tights, pants, hairstyle, etc.). Prohibited attire includes: bare midriffs, visible undergarments, loose T-shirts, sweatpants/shirts, pajama pants, and exposed boxer shorts.
Please feel free to contact the studio for our full dress code.
Inclement Weather / Closings
DWHS does not always close when area schools do; in-service days, weather delays, and some holiday closings do not affect studio classes. If there is inclement weather, an e-mail will be sent from DWHS before 11am (on the day of classes) if we will be closed. If we are not closing, no email will be sent.
Scheduled Closings
Labor Day (1st Monday in September)
Halloween (October 31st)
Thanksgiving Week (November)
Holiday Break (2 week hiatus in December…TBD)
Spring Break (1 week…TBD)
Memorial Day (Last Monday of May)
Visitor Week
Held during the weeks of Halloween and Valentine’s Day. Parents are encouraged to come and watch their child’s progress in-class during these dates. These 2 weeks are also designated for “bring a friend” in which the children are allowed to bring a friend to their dance classes (for free) so their friend may dance with them.
Expected Etiquette
Be on time and ready to dance when your class begins
Plan to arrive 15 minutes early to warm up and prepare for class
Be attentive in class
Students should refrain from excessive talk during class
Raise your hand and ask the teacher if you need help
No electronic devices, food, or gum in class
Use the bathroom before class begins
Please contact your teacher regarding any issues relating to your class
Teachers are eager and willing to help you and are available to meet with you privately or talk on the phone
Missed classes are expected to be justified and made up by taking another class or scheduling a private lesson with your teacher
Registration, Tuition, Late Fees, Etc.
Registration Fee: $50.00 (includes all members of the immediate family)
New DWHS students can register as late as January 31st.
Tuition is due by the 1st of every month and is paid in advance.
Refunds are not issued for tuition, costumes, or registration fees.
Late Fees: There is a $30.00 late fee charged for payments not received within a two-week grace period.
The studio reserves the right to deny participation in class if your account is not current.
Returned Check Fee: $30.00 (subject to change without notice)